Cheddi Jagan Research Centre
Dedicated to Cheddi & Janet Jagan
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Tributes to Cheddi Jagan

Remembering CJ

American Council Institute of Pacific Relations - April 5, 1943
Marking of Dr. Jagan's Entry into Parliament - December 2007
Cheddi Jagan: Striding Tall in the Global Consciousness - March 2008     
Ally, H. Z. - Cheddi Jagan - Man of the Century  
Ally, H. Z. - Cheddi Jagan revisited - 2002
Ally, Hydar - Cheddi Jagan - A True Son of the Soil - 2004
Ally, Hydar - South Africa's Posthumous Award to Dr. Jagan - May 2005
Ally, Hydar - The Jagan Legacy - 2006
Ally, Hydar - New Dimension to Politics  (Feb. 2007) 
Ally, Hydar - A Man of Ideas - March 2007
Ally, Hydar - Debt Relief in Perspective - November 2007
Ally, Hydar - Cheddi Jagan - The Liberator - Dec. 2007 
Ally, Hydar - Reflections on Dr. Jagan - March 2008
Ally, Hydar - Cheddi Jagan - The Intellectual - March 2008 
Ally, Hydar - The Jagan's in Historical Perspective March 2010
Ally, Hydar - NGHO - Grassroot Democracy - April 7, 2010
Ally, Hydar - Cheddi Jagan: Man of Ideas - March 2014
Ally, Hydar - Cheddi Jagan was a Democrat and a Patriot - 2023 New
Ally, Hydar - Dr. Jagan was a visionary - 2024 New
Ali, Irfaan - The Continued Relevance of Dr. Jagan Vision - 2008
Amin, Sadie - Denigrating a National Hero
Anthony, Dr. Frank -  We Must Remain Loyal to CBJ's Ideas (March 2003)
Anthony, Dr. Frank - The Charisma of Cheddi Jagan (March 2004)
Anthony, Dr Frank - Dr. Jagan's People Centred Approach to Development - March 2010  
Benn, Patricia - Remembering Cde. Cheddi - March 2021
Benn, Robeson - Cheddi Jagan- The Relevance of his Ideas in Contemporary Society
Bisnauth, Dale - The Measure of the Man  
Bisnauth, Dale - Celebrating President Cheddi - March 2007
Bisnauth, Dale - Text and Context - March 2008
Boodhoo, Albert - The Greatest Leader of Guyana - 1997
Bousquet, EarlSecond Death Anniversary of Dr. Cheddi Jagan, March 6, 1999
Bousquet, Earl - The 2011 Cheddi Jagan Memorial Lecture - March 22, 2011
Brently, Hugo - PPP Government Devoted to Peoples' Interest
Brotherson Jr., Festus - Jagan the Phoenix
Carew, Ian - Letter to Cheddi Jagan - 1978
Caricom Leaders Hail Jagan as a Regionalist 
Catholic Standard - Moments We Will Remember - 1997
Catholic Standard - Guyana says farewell to Dr. Jagan - 1997
Chand, Komal (President of GAWU)-  5th Anniversary of the Passing of Dr Jagan 
Chand, Komal (President of GAWU) - An Agenda for Labour - 2002
Cheddi Jagan named Caribbean Pearson of Century
Cheong, Ron & Doobay, Danny - Building a Continuous Feedback Loop - June 11, 2009
Carpen, Mel - His Good Work Will Live After Him! - 1997
Carrera, Jeronimo - A Fraternal Salute to Cheddi Jagan - March 2007
Chandarpal, A. B. - To Cheddi With Love - Oct 1964
Chandarpal, Indra - Dr Cheddi Jagan and Janet Jagan – Guyana’s revolutionary leaders - 2023 New
Chandarpal, Navin - Cheddi Jagan In Our Future 2000
Chase, Ashton - Dr. Cheddi B. Jagan - March 2013
Chase, Ashton - Dr. C.Jagan 66th Anniversary Entry into Parliament - Dec 2013
Collymore, Clinton - Cheddi Jagan the Peerless Visionary! - 2007
Collymore, Louis - Letter to Cheddi & Janet Jagan - 2005
Cornwell, Rupert - Comeback Kid at Summitt of the Americas - 1993
Cox, WilliamThe Wind Beneath Our Wings - Reflections on Cheddi Jagan
Culbard, Grantley - The Working Man's Champion - 2002
Da Silva, Geoffrey - PPP/C Ministers Should Follow The Example of Cheddi Jagan to Avoid Corruption and Arrogant Behaviour                                                                   
Dass, Premchand - Notes on Honouring the Life and Work of Dr. Cheddi Jagan - March 2006
Dass, Premchand - Dr. Jagan – Champion of the Working Class - 2010 
Dass, Premchand - Dr. Cheddi Jagan - The Cause He Served - 2010 
Delmos, O.E. - Democracy at last in Guyana - 1992
DeSouza, VibertOur Great Chief Will Forever Be Honoured At Timehri's Sacred Ground
Drayton, Harold - Cheddi Jagan and University of Guyana - 2009
Dreisinger, Baz - The Nation - In Radical Matrimony
Edmonds, Kevin - Guyana: Remembering Dr. Cheddi Jagan - March 2012
Edmunds, Dr. J. -  Alleviation Of Poverty In The Context Of "A New Global Human Order" as Adumbrated by Dr. Cheddi Jagan
Faria, Norman - Jagan tipped to become Guyana's next president - 1992
Fenty, AA. - From Cheddi's cell-Janet in jail - 2002 New
Fenty, AA. - In Port Mourant, in Parliament, in prison - 2007
Fitzpatrick, Miles - A Tribute - 1997
Gafur, Rudy - Ode to a Departed Leader
Guyana Chronicle - Legacy of a Guyanese Hero - 1997
Guyana Agricultural and General Workers Union - Dr. Jagan’s teachings and work remain relevant in our times March 2019
Geddes, Roy A.A. -  What Dr. Cheddi Jagan did to promote the Steel Band Movement
Girdhari, Gary Cheddi Jagan - Father of the Nation 
Girdhari, Gary - Dear Comrade Cheddi - 1997
Gonsalves, Dr. Ralph - The Annual Cheddi Jagan Lecture Series - April 2015
Guyana Chronicle, Editorial - On Cheddi Jagan, the spirit of giving - March 2014
Harsawack, Ronald Jr.Carry on the torch and legacy of Cheddi
Hassan, Dolly - Reflections on a Visit - 1997
Hector, Leonard TimCheddi Jagan: Modern Martyr and Exemplar of the New Caribbean
Heydorn, BernardAura of Incorruptibility Marked This Distinguished Son
Hinds, David - The Constitution, GECOM, and the memory of Dr. Jagan March 2019
Hinds, SamuelHe Was Our Teacher, Our Leade & Father of the Nation - 1997
Hinds, SamuelCheddi Lives on in All of Us - 2002 
Hinds, Samuel - Last Friday Night in Parliament - December 2007  
Hinds, Samuel - Speech at opening of Photo Exhibition March 2012
Hinds, Samuel - Dr. Cheddi Jagan’s Commitment to National Unity and National Development - March 22, 2014
Humphrey, Chester - Cheddi Jagan - His life, time and impact on Caribbean Political Thought - March 22, 2007
Insanally, Rudy - The United Nations and the New Global Human Order  - 2001
Ishmael, Dr. Odeen - Watching the Final Round - March 22, 1997
Ishmael, Dr. Odeen - The Final Day.. Reflection on the death of President Cheddi Jagan
Ishmael, Dr. Odeen Cheddi Jagan's Ideas will Live On - 2003
Ishmael, Dr. OdeenCheddi Jagan- Glimpses of an Internationalist (March 2002)
Ishmael, Dr. OdeenCheddi Jagan -  Statesman and Visionary
Ishmael, Dr.Odeen - Promoting a New Global Human Order  - February 2003
Ishmael, Dr. Odeen - Cheddi Jagan's Vision for Caribbean and Hemispheric Integration (March 2004)
Ishmael, Dr. Odeen - Marking Cheddi Jagan's 10th death anniversary .... The final Journey Home  (March 2007) 
Ishmael, Dr. Odeen - Wider international support for the  New Global Human Order - Jan 22, 2008 
Jacob, Dr. Charles Jr. -   Portrait of Dr. Cheddi Jagan
Jagan-Brancier, NadiraFarewell Dearest Father -1998 
Jagan-Brancier, NadiraRemembering My Father - 2000
Jagan-Brancier, Nadira - Remembering my Parents - March 2010
Jagan, Cheddi Berret II Remembering my Grandfather
Jagan, Cheddi (Joey) Jr. - Funeral Oration at Parliament Buildings
Jagan, Cheddi (Joey) Jr. - 79th Birthday - 1997
Jagan, Clive - Tribute to Uncle Cheddi -March 2023
Jagan, Janet - When Grandpa Cheddi Was A Boy
Jagan, Janet Cheddi Jagan - The years 1943 to 1948
Janet Jagan - A Piece of Guyana's History - 1953-1955
Jagan, Janet  -  We Will Carry the Torch He Lit - March 10, 1997  
Jagan, Jagan - Cheddi Jagan: 50 Years as a Parliamentarian - Oct. 09, 1997
Jagan, Janet - Walking Alone? - March 1998 
Jagan, Janet - Inaugural Lecture at Cheddi Jagan Lecture Series- 1999
Jagan, JanetRemembering Cheddi - 2001
Jagan, Janet - Dolly Yellow Breast and Uncle Cheddi - 1997
Jagan, Janet - Cheddi Jagan - The Man - 2002
Janet, JaganFive Years After - 2002
Janet Jagan - Cheddi Jagan - A Real Life Success Story - March 3, 2002 
Jagan, Janet - Cheddi Jagan - The Dentist 
Jagan, Janet - Cheddi Jagan -1964-1966
Jagan, Janet  - Cheddi - A Unique Leader (March 2003)
Janet Jagan - Remembering Cheddi - National Unity Should be the Watch Word - 2003 
Jagan, Janet - Remembering Cheddi - March 2004
Jagan, Janet - Remembering Cheddi - March 2005
Jagan, Janet - Cheddi Jagan - Man of the People - March 2006
Jagan, Janet - Valentine's Day 1997 - Feb. 17, 2007
Jagan, Janet - Address at Dr. Jagan's 10th Death Anniversary at Babu John - March 2007
Jagan, Janet - November 1947 - A People`s Victory - November 2007  
Jagan, Janet - Dr. Jagan 60 Years Ago- A Voice Calling for Justice - November 2007
Jagan, Janet -The Advocacy of A New Global Human Order Moves Another Step Forward - Jan 2008 
Jagdeo, BharratWe owe a great deal to the legacy of Dr. Cheddi Jagan
Jagessar, RamdathJagan's greatest creation was the political machine
Jailall, PeterGuyanese must reflect on Jagan's self-less dedication
James, Oscar - Great Memories of Cheddi & Janet - March 2011
Jeffery, Henry - Dr. Jagan Dedicated Total Life to Underpriviledged - 1997
Jimenz, Ernesto Nunez - Interview by Cuban journalist - Che's and Guyana's Experience - 1997 (PDF doc)
Joseph, Kenneth - Remarks by Kenneth Joseph, General Secretary - FITUG
Khan, ShariefA Fallen Warrior's Last Rites
Kissore, DudleyHe Pulled My Teeth!
Kumar, Kesh - The Magnanimity of a Mahatma - March 2011 
Lall, Kellawan - The West on Trial - Book Review
Lamming, GeorgeChange His Dream
Luxner, Larry - Cherishing Cheddi 
Mally, Frederick - The Great Visionary Dreams Have Come Alive - 1997
Mangar, Tota - Cheddi Jagan - His Life & Times - 2000
Mangar, Tota - The life and times of Dr. Cheddi B. Jagan: 1918-1997 -2005 - New
Mangru, Basdeo - The Emergence of Cheddi Jagan as a National Leader - 1997
McDonald, Ian - Extraordinary People – Cheddi Jagan - March 17, 2024
Millette, James - Global Transformation and its Challenges
Misir, Prem -  An Enduring Legacy - March 2003
Misir, Prem - New Global Human Order, Globally Recognised - March 2006
Misir, Prem - A crooked rewrite of political history October 9, 2006
Misir, Prem - Fighting for real independence - 2006
Misir, Prem - "Trumanising" the New Global Human Order - 2006
Misir, Prem - The Visionary Cheddi Jagan - March 6, 2007
Misir, Prem - Political Resistance to the Birth of University of Guyana - October 2007
Mohamed, Feroze - The Struggle He Started Goes On - Eulogy March 1997
Nagamootoo, Moses - He Planted a Tree of Memories....
Nagamootoo, MosesRemembering Cheddi Jagan - Fragments for Memory
Naidu, JanetCheddi Jagan Imprinted His Legacy - A New Hope for Women - 1998
Naipaul, Chamanlall  -  Cheddi Jagan Struggled Relentlessly Against Injustice
Nandlall, Anil - Son of the Soil, Father of the Nation - 2018
Narine, Dhanpaul Dr. - The Inaugural Cheddi Jagan Lecture (New York)
Narine, Seepaul - Tribute to Chedi Jagan March 2023
Nobrega, Cecil - Letter to Cheddi & Janet Jagan - 1961
Paekh, Hector - Subversion to British Guiana - 1999
Paul, Gerald V. -  Cheddi B. Jagan, Freedom Fighter
Peeping Tom - The radical in the legislative assembly in the 1940’s - July 2012
Peeping Tom - Cheddi Jagan was no Racist - March 2013
Peeping Tom - The Leaders of Caribbean Independence were Reformists
Peeping Tom - Cheddi Did Not Capitulate - March 2018
Peeping Tom - The Long Struggle - May 2018
Peeping Tom -The PPP and universal adult suffrage - May 2018
Peeping Tom - National Unity - May 2018
Peeping Tom - Race was not Factor in Cheddi's Opposition to Federation - 2018
Peeping Tom - Cheddi Jagan Has Become an Afterthought - March 2021
Persaud-Edwards, Parvati - Liberator of Guyana and Father of the Nation: "Respect Due"- Oct. 5, 2008  
Persaud-Edwards, Parvati - Realizing Cheddi's dream of Freedom
Persaud, Harry - Some Other Views of Cheddi Jagan - 1997
Persaud, Petamber - Preserving our Literary Heritage
Persaud, Reepu Daman - The Brightest Star has been Extinguished - 1997
Portrait of A People's President - 1997
PPP Remembers Cheddi Jagan
PPP Urges - Plant a Tree in Honour of Dr Jagan
PPP Dedicates 50th Anniversary Celebrations to Cheddi Jagan
Ramcharran, Bertrand - The essence of Dr Cheddi Jagan was completely ignored - Nov 2021
Ramkarran, RalphThanks, Port Mourant - March 1997
Ramkarran, RalphCheddi B. Jagan - A look at one of Guyana's Great Sons
Ramkarran, Ralph - Some Thoughts on the Life and Legacy of Cheddi Jagan- March 2006
Ramkarran, Ralph - Cheddi Jagan's Global Human Order - Aug. 2006
Ramkarran, Ralph - At Home with Cheddi - March 2009 
Ramkarran, Ralph - The Independence of Guyana Surpassed Every Other Consideration - May 2009  
Ramkarran, Ralph - Celebrating the Month of Cheddi Jagan - March 2010
Ramkarran, Ralph - Reflections on Cheddi Jagan (1918-1997) - March 2018
Ramkarran, Ralph - Cheddi Jagan on the West Indies Federation: CLR James on Cheddi Jagan - March 2018
Ramkarran, Ralph - Cheddi Jagan’s contribution to Guyana’s Independence - 2020 New
Ramkarran, Ralph - He never really left the plantation - Dec 2021
Ramkarran, Ralph - Jagan spoke the truth about poverty and sought to end it - Dec 2021
Ramkarran, Ralph - Cheddi Jagan – Some reflections – March 26, 2023
Ramkarran, Ralph - Seecharan’s Old, Enduring, Anti-Jagan Narrative - March 9, 2024
Ramnarine - The Issue of Father of the Nation - July 2012
Ramotar, DonaldReady to carry the torch passed by Cheddi - 2002
Ramotar, Donald - A Response to Ramharack - Dec 2021
Ramotar, Donald - At this stage of our lives, it’s time to come clean Hammie March 2023
Rampersaud, Rajendra - The Case for a New Global Human Order
Ramsahoye, Fenton - Obituary - Cheddi Jagan - 1997
Ramsahoye, Fenton - Tribute to Cheddi Jagan - May 25, 1997
Ramsammy, Leslie - New Global Human Order - Aug. 2006
Rayman, Evelyn - Tribute to Cheddi - 1997
Remembering CBJ
Remembering Cheddi - National Unity Should be the Watch Word
Rodney, EddiCheddi Jagan Symposium - 2002
Rodney, Eddi - Cheddi Jagan's Selected Correspondence - 2003
Rodney, Eddi - Cheddi Jagan and Pre-vision - 2003   
Rodney, Eddi - Cheddi Jagan's Life and Legacy - March 2007
Rodney, Eddi - Cheddi Jagan: Some Aspects of the Charismatic Independence Leader - Dec. 2007
Rodey, Eddi - Cheddi Jagan Lecture Attracts Capacity Participation - March 2008
Rodney, Eddi - The Internationalisation of the New Global Human Order 
Rodney, Eddi -  Celebrating the Life and Works Of Cheddi Jagan The Freedom Fighter - 2024
Rodney, Eddi -  Why The Continued Revisionist Distortions Against The Jagans - Oct 2024 NEW
Rohee, Clement - Remarks on the Occasion of the Launching of Manifesto 2000 for A Culture of Peace and Non-Violence - 1999
Rohee, Clement - NGHO - Quality, Human Development and Integration by  - August 2000 
Rohee, Clement -  Minister of Foreign Affairs at the 55th Session of the United Nations General Assembly UN Headquarters, New York - September 2000
Rohee, Clement - Cheddi Jagan - His Life and Work in the Legislative Council - March 2008 
Rohee, Clement - In Commemorating Jagan’s Passing, We Recall His Modest Way of Living - March 2021
Rohee, Clement - What Ramharack Wrote About Cheddi Jagan Is Unpersuasive And Refutable - Dec 2021
Rohee, Clement - A Second Letter That Was Not Published - Dec 2021
Rohee, Clement - Reflections: 104th Birth Annniversary of Cheddi Jagan - March 2022 Rohee, Clement - Cheddi Jagan’s status as a freedom fighter on behalf of the people can never be diminished - March 2023
Rohee, Clement - Cheddi Jagan Revisited - 2024 New
Rose, Dr. JamesRemembering - 1999
Rose, Dr. James - Why a New Global Human Order  - Aug. 2006
Salamalay, Audrey - Meet the Ministers - 1953
Sahoye-Shury, PhilomenaDr. J Stood For Equality, Justice For All
Sattaur, Mohamed - Guyanese Can Stand Tall Anywhere -  2008  
Sattaur, Mohamed - Remembering Cheddi - Feb. 24, 2012 
Seeraj, Dhamramkumar - Reflection on Life of Dr. Jagan - Rice Industry  - March 2005
Singh, Diah - The Outcome of Faith & Determination of an Honorable Leader - 1997
Singh, Lall - Memorial Service for the Late President Jagan
Singh, RickeyChoosing of National Heroes - Trio of Jagan, Critchlow and Carter
Singh, Seopaul - An Enigma for Over Half a Century - 19978
Stabroek News - The End Of An Era - 1997
Strachan, Billy - Dr. Jagan President of Guyana - 1997
Strachan, Billy - Cheddi Jagan Memorial Service 25th May 1997
Strachan, Jane - Dr. Cheddi Jagan - March 9, 1997
Sunday Mirror - Long Live Cheddi Jagan- 1997
Tiwari, Rampersaud - Cheddi Jagan and 1899 Venezuelan Award - 2000
Teixeira, Gail - Cheddi Jagan, Personal Glimpses - March 2003  
Tharay, Bhoj CDCs - Cheddi's Idea Living On  
Thomas, Dr. CliveA Vision of Human Development - 2002
The Thinker Vol 1 
The Thinker Vol. 2
The Thinker Vol 8
The Thinker Vol 9
Guyana’s World-class Leader Deserves Global Recognition says Washington-based
Council on Hemispheric Affairs (COHA)

Weiner, Tim - A Kennedy CIA Plot Returns to Haunt Clinton - 1994 
Yacoob, Victor - Remembering Dr Jagan's Death Anniversary - 2016
Yasin,Mohamed Fazloor - The Contributions of Dr. Jagan in the Struggle for the Liberation of Guyana - 2011
Weekend Nation - A Titan Has Gone - 1997
Women’s Progressive Organization - Tribute to Comrade Cheddi Jagan - Babu John March 2013